The stitches of life

Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 3--Animal Kingdom pt. 2 

Okay, round two of Animal Kingdom and safari pictures ;). I just couldn't believe how many animals we saw!
After the safari we went to see Baloo and King Louie. The Jungle Book is Dave's favorite Disney movie so I really wanted to get a picture of him with them (and the boys too of course ;). They were some of the best Character interactions we had--they were very playful and really took time with each family. Baloo took Ian's fan and was looking at it, Brendan hugged King Louie and wouldn't let go, King Louie kissed my hand, and at the end Baloo took Dave's hat off and started pulling at Louie's fur to show that they were the same color! They were so much fun!
You know, for me the character interactions really made the trip. Those of you who know my boys will know what I'm talking about, for those who don't just know that I was worried. They said they wanted to see the characters, and I believed them, but they're both shy and Ian has some sensory issues. I was worried they'd clam up when the characters started interacting with them, that they wouldn't hug them, etc. But they *loved* all the characters, even the Winnie the Pooh ones! To see their faces in these pictures makes my cry (sappy as that sounds ;) and really makes me feel like this trip was something special. I know they'll enjoy the characters the next time we go, but there won't be the same magic that there was this first time. For me the magic of Disney was most apparent in these moments :).

Okay, enough sounding like a Disney commercial ;). When we got back to the room we found this:

She was awesome! The boys actually started looking forward to going back to the room each day to see what she had done :). When we got back we hung out for a while, then did the sea raycers which were really fun! (these are for you Mike ;)

After that it was time for dinner and then for a lovely carriage ride through the resort:

An early bed to get ready for the Magic Kingdom and MNSSHP!

Posted by hollyday @ 1:48 PM


What great animal photos!!!!!!you made me misty eyed girl lol....I LOVE the room pics too, what a great thing to do!
By Blogger Velda, at 5:17 AM