The stitches of life

Friday, May 11, 2007

The week ahead 

Due to a number of factors, my last few weeks (including this one) have been rather rudderless. While I'm not a perfectionist by any means, nor am I a slave to lists/day planners etc., I don't like the feeling of being adrift for so long. For one thing it means things are piling up which will take me longer to do because I haven't kept up with them. For another important dates are in danger of being lost in the abyss ;). So to help keep myself on track here is a tentative list of things I need to do next week:

Clean family room (everything--dusting, straightening, etc., maybe tomorrow?)
Dust and vacuum upstairs (Monday)
Plan menus (Monday)
Clean kitchen/dining room (everything as above, Tuesday)
Laundry--towels/sheets on Monday, regular on Friday

As an aside, for today I need to:

Make cake for Dave (Happy birthday honey!)
Water plants (very important--they're in bad shape lol)
Shop for birthday presents ;)
Grocery Store

When the boys get home from school we're going to get birthday cards and decorate the cake :).

Okay, not much, but I feel better for putting it in writing so it's not all floating around aimlessly in my head lol. I will do better next week, I will do better next week...

Currently working on: Brendan's mini RR, Blackwork RR, Bloom
Posted by hollyday @ 7:56 AM


is that between blinkie searching? lol..happy birthday Dave!
By Blogger Velda, at 9:10 AM
Good luck getting to the things on your list. I know what it's like to feel adrift. I had so many plans on what to do this week while I was off and I didn't accomplish one of them...and I can't even say what I did do. The time seems to have disappeared in the blink of an eye.
By Blogger _, at 10:19 AM