The stitches of life

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Stitching ramblings 

I have all these thoughts about my stitching for the upcoming month running around in my head, so I'm hoping that by putting them down "on paper" it will help me to organize them ;). I guess I should start with an end of the month report:

I didn't stitch nearly as much as I had planned this month, but in spite of that I'm happy with what I accomplished. I started Spring Topiary which I've wanted to start for years now, and I finally made some noticeable progress on 3 Pale eggs. I didn't work on Brendan's RR at all, but I think I should be able to get it finished this weekend/week, so I'm not too worried. I finally got started on my Blackwork RR after much frustration in finding patterns. It's going to be smaller than the allotted size, but hopefully people won't mind ;). The important thing is I finally found a pattern I like, whose directions aren't several pages long and that is easy for me to customize color-wise.

Now on to my dilemma for the coming month. Here is my rotation as originally planned:

Monday--Blackwork RR
Tuesday--Golden Pavillion
Wednesday--SAL slot (Secret Flower Bed)
Thursday--Mira/L&L/Angel slot (RoS)

I didn't work on Secret Flower Bed at all this month either, so I'd like to get back to it--it's about 3/4 of the way done and I know I could finish it this month if I just put my mind to it. I really would like to get back to Golden Pavillion so it doesn't become one of those "I had to start it now, worked on it a bit and then never touched it again" pieces lol ;). Plus there are several more in that series I'd like to do, but I have to finish this one first. My problem is I got a gorgeous piece called A Love Song by Fouroaks Designs that I really want to start. I got the fabric and floss for it this week--I'm going to do it over 1 on 40 ct. linen so I must be insane lol! But it is stunning and I love over 1, so I really want to do it. BUT it will throw off my rotation--I either have to give up Golden Pavillion, SB or RoS. I also want to continue with my Spring Topiary, so now what do I do?

First off I have to remember my mantra for this year--I'm supposed to be having fun! If I start something new it's okay. Don't become so focused on finishing that you lose sight of what you love about it in the first place--it's the journey and not the destination that's important ;). On the other hand it does feel really good to know I have some finishes very close, and I'm enjoying the feeling of accomplishment from finishing, so I'd like to keep that going too. So obviously I have to compromise ;). I think I'll take out SB and put in A Love Song. I do have SB slated for next month so I think that will work out well. I may put Spring Topiary in RoS' slot--we'll have to see. If not maybe I can work it in next month :).

If you've made it this far you're a trooper! It really did help putting it all down in writing--it's a great way to clear your thoughts :)

Currently working on: Blackwork RR, Brendan's Superhero RR, Spring Topiary
Posted by hollyday @ 9:31 AM


FUN!!! Have fun!!!

And thanks for not finishing Flower Bed w/o me....
By Blogger Margaret, at 2:59 PM