The stitches of life

Monday, February 05, 2007

Menu and stitching plan Monday ;) 

First the menus:

Tuesday--Fish fillets (frozen); broccoli, bacon and cheddar toss; rolls
Wednesday--Chicken and Linguine for 2, salad
Thursday--Pork Tenderloin (not sure how I'm going to prepare it though ;), mashed potatoes, corn
Friday--Simple Hamburger Hot Dish, salad
Sunday--they're on their own, I'm out for time off!

Now for stitching (and this may change, I feel the need to tweak a bit ;):

Monday--Ian's Dino Mini RR
Tuesday--Golden Pavillion or The Rose in Morning
Wednesday--SAL day (Secret Flower Bed)
Thursday--not sure, maybe a WIP, maybe start something new ;)
Friday/weekend--Ian's Dino Mini RR

Currently working on: Ian's Dino Mini RR, Golden Pavillion, Secret Flower Bed, The Rose in Morning
Posted by hollyday @ 10:51 AM


I'm having trouble deciding which night to come for dinner this week. I'll let you know. *wink*
Just give me an hour's notice so I can straighten up lol ;). You don't want to come tonight though because it's just leftovers ;). ((hugs))
By Blogger hollyday, at 3:22 PM
okay, coming to your house for dinner....:)
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:54 AM