The stitches of life

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Anniversary 

I've had this entry bouncing around in my head for a couple of days, but have been hesitant to put it in writing. I'm going to try anyway and see how I like it--who knows, maybe I'll be surprised ;).

A year ago yesterday (sorry to be a day late and a dollar short) I saw a friend whom I hadn't seen in almost 20 years. It was exciting and terrifying all at the same time, with terror probably being the predominant emotion in my mind. The last time we'd seen each other we were teenagers, now I was a middle-aged mother of 2--you do the math ;). There was of course the fear that we wouldn't have anything in common, that one or both of us would have changed beyond recognition (internally, not externally), etc. Having chosen to be a stay at home mom I was afraid my career path would be scoffed at by my friend who is a high-powered executive. Once we met and started talking however all those fears were laid to rest. I found that at their core, my friend was still the same person I'd known all those years ago.

"At the core"--I've thought a lot about that concept since seeing my friend again. Our circumstances, dreams, goals, likes and dislikes change as we grow, but hopefully if we were a good person to begin with that "core" stays with us. The circumstances of our friendship being what they were (my friend will understand what I mean here ;), I found myself impressed that not only had we known each other better than I thought, but that what drew us to each other initially was still there. It was very comforting for me at least to find this out :).

Because of their job I haven't been able to see my friend much since then which makes me sad, but we have kept up the friendship which makes me happy. I want to tell my friend that I value their presence in my life and their friendship more than they know--happy anniversary :).

Currently working on: Ian's Dino Mini RR, Mystery Garden, Secret Flower Bed
Posted by hollyday @ 10:27 AM


I'm glad you had such a good visit with your friend.
By Blogger Kristin, at 12:36 PM
Holly, You're absolutely right and I completely understand what you mean. I have two friends in particular that I've known since childhood. We rarely (if ever) see each other, but when we do, even 20 years later, it was like we hung out yesterday. Unfortunately one isn't in the same place in life as I am (more career, while I'm more at home) but the other is still the way she was when we were 13. Thank you for your explanation of "the core" I *knew* it, but reading it in words puts it in a much truer perspective.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:16 PM
I'm so glad you wrote this - I'm recently back in touch with an old friend, and worried about some of the same things. You've given me a lot to think about. Thank you! And I'm so glad things worked so well for you and your friend - I hope your renewed friendship continues to grow :)
By Blogger Megan, at 1:20 PM
You are so right, Holly. I have friends that I've known since college. Our paths have gone such different ways, but when we're together? It's that core that keeps us close. Thanks for putting my feelings into words.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:42 PM
What a great story. I am so glad you were able to have a great time together. It was meant to be.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:49 AM
Thanks for sharing that friendship with us. It's very heartwarming.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
I love the thoughts behind this post. I think if you connect with someone on a core level you've truly and honestly connected. That is the gift of a true friendship.

Friendships and relationships develop for many reason and from many situations, but those that develop from a heart felt connection will stand the test of any time and that is the connection to the core of another.

I've been blessed with a few friendships that stemmed from a core connection and know the gift the represent.

Thanks for posting this one. It really, truly touches me.
By Blogger Tammy, at 2:26 PM