The stitches of life

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ramblings of a stressed out stitcher 

Okay, so I should know my limits by now, but every time I think I've got it figured out something pops up to screw it all up ;). In Sept. I thought it wouldn't be a problem to join the story RR--band sampler would have it's last mailing that month, mini would be halfway done, so starting story would be easy. And hey, while we're at it let's throw in a Halloween exchange for fun! I've promised myself ever since I started joining swaps almost 5 years ago that I'd do the Halloween one so I figured why not this year? I did the same with band sampler in the spring and I'm so glad I did, so it seemed a good idea to try for 2 new swaps this year ;).

The problem is I'm a slow stitcher and everyday life won't stop so I can focus on stitching LOL ;). For some reason my family still wants clean clothes to wear, a somewhat clean house to come home to and food to eat ;). Not to mention pesky little things popping up like major housecleaning for guests (3 times in 3 weeks so far), people getting sick, husbands working late and on weekends and friends who need help. *Sigh*--don't they know I have stitching to do?! Stopping to take care of these issues severely cuts into my stitching time--what's a girl to do?

Take a deep breath, calm down, talk to the host/s of the swaps. I got the Halloween piece done and mailed a week or so late, and the mini is almost done. I'm seeing if I can get something worked out with the owner of the piece and if so it will allow me to get started on the story RR for this month. The story piece is a pretty simple (but very cute) design, so my hope is it won't take me long to do. After that I'm hoping to get a couple of days to put in on the finishers too piece I have, and then it will be on to my last mini and last story. With any luck by the time December rolls around I'll have the whole month to focus on Ian's dino mini so I can finish it before the end of the year--then at least I'll have accomplished one of my goals from last year LOL ;). I won't have any RR's going into the new year, so that will allow me to start fresh with a new slate and see what happens :).

Currently working on: 2006 Mini RR, Story RR, Finisher's too, Ian's dino mini RR
Posted by hollyday @ 2:32 PM


Oh hun (((hugs))).. I wouldn't stress too much about the Story OR the Mini. With such a small group in story, I don't doubt the dates could be bent a little. As far as the Mini - I am after you so any of my time you need, feel free to use and I will focus 100% on that piece once it gets to me.
By Blogger Tina, at 4:21 PM
It really is a bummer when life gets in the way of stitching but that happens quite frequently to all of us so you just have to take things on day at a time. Eventually everything will get done. Since you've communicated about the rr's, I'm sure there's no issue with either of them and both are small groups so I doubt anyone will be too upset if they get delayed a little. Hang in there.

Thanks for your kind response to my post about Bekah's speech referral. We have a home visit next Tuesday for some initial info. The speech evaluation is a separate visit so I'm not sure yet when that one will take place. The lady I talked to today said if she scores lower than 25% delayed in any area that she qualifies for help. I'm pretty sure her speech will qualify at that level. While I'm sure this will do her good, I'm worried about how to fit this in with everything else we have going on. I just have to have faith that everything will work out somehow.
By Blogger _, at 4:49 PM
(((hugs))) I did one RR a few years ago and swore never to do another, because it stressed me out so much. I'm just too slow of a stitcher.
By Blogger Megan, at 6:48 PM
I am not good with deadlines either. Please don't stress and everything will work out...
I can't wait to see Ian's dino mini finished!
By Blogger Jaime, at 9:28 PM
Oh what a familiar story this is! Notice I haven't signed up for any swaps? I think I burned myself out a couple of years ago. Robins are so tempting!

You know what's killing me now? I so want to join a RR so I can have a piece like Jacque's! LOL!

It'll get done. Slow and steady at least finishes the race if not wins it, right?
By Blogger Sara Laughs, at 7:00 AM
So "what's" the problem? I see you have everything under control lol
By Blogger ., at 7:08 AM