The stitches of life

Monday, October 30, 2006

Menu Plan Monday 

I'm going to try for a few menus this week anyway, even though Dave still has class and we're getting ready for Ian's party on Saturday ;).

Monday--Chicken Parmesan, rolls, salad
Tuesday--Crab Cakes, rolls, broccoli
Wednesday--Leftovers (Dave's in class)
Thursday--Italian sausage casserole, salad
Saturday--Pizza & birthday cake ;)
Sunday--probably dinner out :)

Currently working on: 2006 Mini RR, Story RR, Finishers Too, Ian's Dino Mini
Posted by hollyday @ 8:11 AM


Yum. Well I wouldn't eat most of it, but it does sound yummy. LOL

Having a hard time reading your purple print on the purple background... though it IS lovely!
By Blogger Margaret, at 9:56 AM
Hey, Hol, can you email me the Italian Sausage Casserole recipe?
By Blogger Tina, at 1:06 PM
Tina CYE!
By Blogger hollyday, at 1:53 PM