The stitches of life

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Mid week ramblings 

Well, I've only accomplished one of my stitching goals and none of my gardening goals. It's been cold and blah outside and I've had a wicked sinus headache all week. For stitching I've been working on the PR gardening freebie the last 3 nights and it's quite lovely :). Tonight I need to start on the bead RR which finally made it here yesterday. I'll work on that until it's finished and then start the other RRs (except on Monday when I'll start Secret Flower Bed).

Mom's coming tomorrow which hopefully will be fun. Although I'm not sure since Dave wants to go see a movie tomorrow night and has to work Saturday morning. He has lunch with his mom on Sunday and wanted to know if I wanted him to take the boys with him or not. Originally I thought he could leave them here so he could have a nice lunch with his mom, but since he's leaving me alone with them AND mom twice I think I'll let him take them LOL ;).

Ian was asking me about bad words today. I'm not sure where it came from, but I handled it well--calmly and without making a big deal out of it. At one point he asked me what the first bad word was. I told him I didn't know and explained to him that what's thought of as "bad words" has changed throughout history. He asked if the first one was the "s word". I said I didn't know and asked him how he knew about the "s word". He said that he heard it once on Caillou. Needless to say I was surprised that they would discuss such a thing on a kid's show, but said "oh, you mean they didn't actually say the word, they just referred to it". He said no, that someone said stupid so Caillou and Rosie started saying it too. So he thinks stupid is the "s word" and I'm safe for a while longer ;)
Posted by hollyday @ 11:10 AM
