The stitches of life

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I hate having to title my entries--I am SO not that creative LOL ;). But since this is just for me I guess I shouldn't worry about it too much. I'm really not sure how much I'll post in here, I've tried off and on my whole life to do some sort of diary/journal routine but it never seems to stick. Maybe this time it will since I type much faster than I write, but then again maybe not.

I titled this blog The Stitches of Life because I'm an avid cross stitcher so obviously I'm going to write about that. I'm also going to write about life though--thus the slightly cheesy title ;). I guess I should state in here my stitching goals for the year: I want to finish the baby sampler I'm working on (3/4 finished) and to enjoy my stitching. I resolve that this year is going to be guilt free stitching--I'm not going to worry if my WIP's spend another year without being finished. As long as I'm stitching and enjoying it I'm going to consider my goal met :). I'm also not going to tell people when I start a present for them--that way I won't stress over getting it done in time. I guess I should have done that with the baby sampler, but on the other hand if I hadn't told her I was making something for her I'd probably never finish it ;).

I'm also trying out a new system of rotation this year--I'm going to try stitching on a different piece each night leaving the weekends free to work on whatever (or nothing ;) that I want. I'm hoping this will motivate me to work on the baby sampler--it's much easier if I know I only have to work on it 1 or 2 days a week as opposed to a longer amount of time. So far I'm doing okay. There have been a couple of days where I haven't stitched at all, but in the spirit of GFY I'm not worrying about it ;).

I guess that's all for now, hopefully I'll be back again!
Posted by hollyday @ 4:50 PM
